Sun: 7pm - 2am
Mon-Thu: 4pm - 2am
Fri & Sat: 4pm - 4am
3100 Liberty Ave, Pittsburgh, PA
Sun: 7pm - 2am
Mon-Thu: 4pm - 2am
Fri & Sat: 4pm - 4am
Bridgette B joins us for 2 amazing nights of live feature performances. She kicks off her stay with us on Friday, December 16th at our annual Xmas Party and hits center stage for a second night on Saturday, December 17th. Sometimes referred to as a living Spanish doll who brings fantasies to life, catch Bridgette up-close and in person live onstage at Cheerleaders Pittsburgh.
Performance times are subject to Club and Entertainer discretion. Schedule subject to change without notice.
Instagram: @thisisbridgetteb
Instagram: @dyrtyblonde
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Make you plans now and reserve your Booth by calling: 412-281-3110